Thursday 23 August 2007


Why we have to work out????

it will make you life longer,
it will improve your blood circulation
it will decrease your cholesterol level
it will make ur blood pressure to be normal

and the most important thing, you can prevent many kind of sickness

it also improve a better body's posture
you can loss your waist size by working out
gain bigger muscle size (especially for men)

so, this web site will help you a lot
because I will provide a lot of tips, articles which is related to

  1. fat loss program: I will provide a lot of usefull information for you, because I know, it is frustating to have a fat ass

  2. gain mass program, which will give you a lot of program to enlarge your body and make it become more masive and sexier!

  3. exercise guidance which will enrich your knowledge about many kinds of useful and great exercise which have been proven by many successfull bodybuilders and athelete

  4. and also nutrition, which will give you a lot of information for boosting your progress either you are doing your fat loss or gain mass

Tuesday 21 August 2007

herbs-that burn fat a LOT

There are herbs that I suggest to consume because the effect are proved to burn fat very efficiently:

  1. ginger: it contain a UNIQUE substance that able to improve metabolism rate,and commonly used to maintain blood lipid level
    • dosage: 2-6 tea spoons a day
    • effect: you may feel your body burn up, and get more energetic(your enregy can be released equally as your metabolism rate)
    • precaution: over dosage will give some side effects such as
      • headache
      • dehydration
      • lips cracking
      • so, it is suggested to consume ginger in
        the given dosage.
  2. green tea: it has the opposite function compare to ginger, it works by decreasing metabolism, but because it contain catechins which can reduce body fat, so it is very beneficial to be consumed
    • dosage:it may be drink as often as you wish
    • precaution:for who has hypotension should concern about the dosage, because green tea also can reduce blood tension..
  3. lemon: it is one of my favorite, it can dissolve fat, oil which is sticked on your intestine wall, which the fat will disturb nutrition absorption, furthermore, lemon is well-known to be one of the best herbs for detox(cited from ayurveda).
    • dosage:a tea spoon to one table spoon in the morning before you have your breakfast, mix it in a cup of water
    • precaution: over dosage may irritate gastric
  4. eat spicy herb such as: Chilly & pepper(either black or red), have a supportive effect in increasing human body metabolism, and it is very good for improving digestion system.
It is a good thing to mix spices and ginger in each of your meal, beside it increase metabolism, it also make you become very thirsty, and you may get more advantage by drinking water.

Monday 20 August 2007


the biggest secret

THis secret owned by every success people in every aspect, and also in body building.

I have a simple figure to discribe this topic,
there are two person who is a twin brother, they always do the same things,
eat the same food, they mostly spent their time together,
and they also bodybuilders,

bodybuilding, muscle development,sport can't be done perfectly without including one important thing,
which can make a big different in the training progress and in the result.

this secret is your MIND.
Your mind is a great ginny, who will make every single wish come true.

every single part in your body created by two big foundation,
your mind,

this secret can be operated by thing affirmatively,
that's mean to be straigth to the point,
prevent to say "no"

when you do this secret, you will have better progress,
because this secret is like a ginny which can grant every of your wishes, obviously.

Thursday 16 August 2007

5X5 exercise

main purpose:gainning massive strength
target: from beginner to intermediate

This exercise is as the name, 5 repetitions each set, and will be done for 5 sets.
The type of movement in this exercise should be performed in 3 counts: positive move, negative move, and holding

For the beginner, who never involve in weigth lifting you just need to pay attention in these three move for the first week to the second week. One thing that you should do is increasing your weigth each time you start the same session of training each week.
in a week program, i suggest you to make your work out program just for 3 times a week, which session train similar part, because you should concentrate to build up partialy of your body, it will waste a lot of energy and time to train a whole body in the same times,For example of training program(in a week)

day 1
warm up:
arm twist 5min
broomstick twist 5min
lower arm twist 5min
chest and triceps=>bench press: 40kg,
biceps=>hammer: 20kg
abs=>janda sit-up+weight 3kg

day 2
total rest, don't touch your barbell!!

day 3
warm up:the same as day one
chest and triceps: decline bench press:40kg
biceps and latisimus dorsi=> chin-up
abs(obilique)=>jack knive

day 4
another a day break, and never touch your weigth lifting equipment^^

warm up: still the same as day one
chest=>butterfly swing 5kg each hand
bisep=>hammer 20kg
whole abs=>gorila hanging leg raise

day 6 & 7
enjoy your time with your beloved^^

note: every session of work out have to do 5X5 program, every set pre-rest 1min
every session take a rest for 3mins

the purpose of taking a lot of time to take a rest is giving your muscle sufficient amount of protein, and excreting lactid acid which will cause sprain and block your muscle growth.

in the beginning of my training program I always put warm up, it is really important, because warm up can prevent injuries either your muscle or joint injuries, warm up also accelerate blood circulation which bring every nutrition that's very important for your muscle growth, such as: protein, mineral, multi-vitamin.
SO, please remember to do warm up before you start your practice.

Furthermore, in the end of your practice, always do cooling down, it is a crucial thing, because it prevent muscle spasm, and recharge muscle nutrition which needed to grow your muscle optimally.

Reference: (online)
google search engine (online)

Monday 13 August 2007

ADD your muscle MASS

commonly, when someone feel to skinny, they will choose to eat a lot as the solution,
but strangely, their weigth don't increase even a kilo, why??

this condition can because of several factors:

  1. high level metabolism: that's mean your metabolism is in a high level which is possibly stimulate by :

    • hormon(thyroxine): the main bio factor that produce in thyroid gland, its function is increasing metabolism rate

    • activities : your activities will describe to your self about how much calories that you burn every day. and how many calories that left to build up, or increase your body mass.

  2. nutrition our body is a complicated machine, which need a spesific mantainance to make it work in the best performance, there are some point about nutrition that we need to pay attention very much:
    • meal schedule

    • nutrition compotition : check in nutrition

    • and How you chew your food: normally we don't chew out food correctly, we just chew it for several times and let it goes by to our gastric, the right thing, chewing should be at least 30 times. why? The purpose is to optimize synthesize of our food by enzims, and boost the food absorption.
  3. Good training FORMULA, there are a lot of training programs you can find in any resources, or any website about workout, but you should aware if not all the programs are correct, or suitable for you. I suggest you pick any program which is focused in gaining muscle such as:

Monday 6 August 2007

FAT burning Exercise

for burning your fat efectively, you should combine Anaerobic and aerobic exercise in the right portion.
Anaerobic means "wihout oxigen" in the other word, we don't need any supply of oxigen.
so, aerobic means "with oxigen".

Fat needs oxygen to burn completely so in order to burn fat during an exercise we need to move slowly and smoothly. This enables muscle cells to be supplied with enough oxygen to continue with its aerobic capacity and utilize fat as the main energy source.

Aerobic Exercise, need a lot of oxigen, its mean you should breath deeply, and regularly, the best kind of exercise for aerobing are

  • walking (very recommended for obesity)

  • jogging, and

  • swimming

because these exercises make you breath very much.

Anaerobic Exercise, you perform your exercise smothly, slowly, and need a lot of force for example: sprinting, and weight lifting.

this kind of exercise really burn your carbohidrat, and also will increase fat burning indirectly, because body's metabolism will increase rapidly when you do anaerobic exercise.

for your fat burning program, you should do:

  • aerobic exercise: weight lifting 3 times a week

  • anaerobic exercise : jogging or swimming 3 times a week

which you should do the exercise this exercise alternately,
exp: today aerobic, tomorrow anaerobic, so on..
and give sunday as your free day, take a lot of rest...


  • there are 2 kind of exercises for fat burner: Aerobic, and Anaerobic.

  • you should perform each exercise in the right portion.

reference: (you should read these articles,very important!!!)

body transformation 1

body transformation 2


Thursday 2 August 2007

Will Water Help Me Lose Weight?

You bet it will! I know what you are thinking, that if you drink a lot of water you will get bloated and retain water which will make you weigh more. However, this isn't the case. If you aren't drinking enough water, your body will hold on to whatever water is already in your body and will not excrete any.

This means the water in your body will be used for normal body functions and will cause you to appear bloated. The only way to get rid of that bloated look is to actually drink more water. By doing so, your body will function much better and your metabolism will start to increase and will help you burn calories more efficiently.

Your Metabolism Will Increase With More Water.
If you want to burn even more calories while drinking water then you want to make sure the water is ice cold. Your body needs to warm up the water in order for it to be used properly. Warming up the water uses energy, which uses calories. This in turn will help you burn extra calories throughout the day.

In addition, the other function of water is excreting sodium concentrate in human body. which has a big role for storing a big amount fat in your body.In the mechanism, sodium will increase adiuretic hormone,which will reduce water excretion and indirectly,it will reduce body metabolism and fat burning.

NUTRITION--why it's so important???

nutrition means everything that you consume
and everything that needed by your body,

It's divided into two big groups

the first one is macronutrient it's mean this nutrition requiered a lot by our body:

  • protein
  • carbs,
  • fiber,
  • and fat

the second one is micronutrient it's just a small amount in our body, but have important role in bio-metabolism which are:
  • vitamins
  • minerals

we can't eat wrongly to mantain our health, there are specific rules that should be followed.

-rule1: you have eat in a right portion,
there is a specific portion's ratio in your plate,
carb:protein:fat=3:5:1 (based on weight)
we need fat in a little amount, and also the major amount is unsaturated fat.

WHY? because our body it self have set the priority of the substance
that will be produce to be calory


from the diagram above we can understand the way to cut a huge amount of fat
eat less carb, more protein, and less fat.

rule 2: add more fiber, fiber has an important role in your diet program,
fiber need to clean your intestine from feses that still stuck in yours (very risky to have cancer!!)
and also, it will be very helpful to decrease your triglisrid (fat level in blood system)

Wednesday 1 August 2007

weightloss tips

in this modern world there are a lot of people

that have overweight problem,

this problem is very humiliating,

and also very shamful for some of us.

there are alot of method to reduce our weigth,

and also to firm our body,

but, according to the varieties way,

sometimes so confusing to pick one of them

and keep focus to one of them.

there are two points that we have to concern

if we want to make a good weightloss program to be success

there are: NUTRITION, and EXERCISE,